Tips for Cleaning the (Gross) Sink

June 11, 2019 by Andre

Sink cleaning tips from Radiant Home Cleaning

Feel like you’re sinking in cleaning the sinks? Don’t let this appliance sink your ship (terrible pun, we know). The sink is an extremely common appliance that is found in almost every building – if not multiple times. It can be found in homes, schools, workplaces, restaurants, the list goes on. In every building, there is a sink, and 9 times out of 10 – the sink needs some serious TLC from a sponge and some detergent.

The Importance of Showing Some TL-“Sink”

Some establishments such as restaurants, labs, and homes (for those of us who would rather cook that call out for delivery) rely on sinks to be clean for their livelihoods and their safety. Restaurants must wash dirty dishes in their sinks to keep them clean for the next guest to eat. They must clear all the bacteria and food scraps left behind by other guests – hello Mr. Sink.

Labs must use sinks to clean their lab equipment to make sure their containers are not vulnerable to cross-contamination with multiple substances. Sinks – let’s face it, they’re important and cleaning them is a necessity most of us would rather avoid.

Thankfully, cleaning the sink is not a difficult task. In reality, it is an extremely easy and quick that task that anyone can do.

How to Clean Your Sink (Effectively)

To properly and effectively clean the sink, it is best to use baking soda – the wonder drug of the cleaning world. It is best to wet the sink a little and have a clean sponge at hand. Distribute an even amount of baking soda around the surface of the sink and use the sponge to gently rub down the sink carefully working the paste-like substance into the crevasses of the sink.

The chemical properties of baking soda is measured at a pH level that is basic. Although it is not toxic at this current level, the basic pH of baking soda is great at killing bacteria and other pathogens. Additionally, baking soda is especially effective at clearing odors. This is due to baking soda’s ability to kill off bacteria – a win-win (not for the bacteria). This will remove the remaining leftover food and miscellaneous scraps left in the sink. Additionally, this will remove the existing pathogens and kill off the growing bacteria in the sink, sanitizing the surface of the sink. It is best to execute this cleaning technique after the nightly ritual of doing the final batch of dirty dishes. This is to ensure the sink will stay clean on a daily basis.

Consistency is Key to Clean

Consistently cleaning the sink with this technique after the last round of dishes will ensure the sink will stay as clean as possible. This method effectively keeps the sink clean and only takes a couple of seconds out of the day. This method along with cleaning the appearance of the sink, killing both the existing pathogens and potentially growing bacteria will prevent the buildup of odors created by the dirt and grime and stuck-on food particles.

In closing – the trick is baking soda. The quick, cheap, and extremely fast method makes keeping your sink, in whatever environment, consistently clean, extremely easy. It is worth investing a few seconds from your day to create a cleaner, healthier environment.